Term Insurance Kya hota hai I Best Term Insurance Explained in English I Benefits of Term Insurance

We think that the cheapest term insurance plan is the best, but wrong, you will be happy once with the cheapest term insurance, but later you will regret a lot. Second, the lower the age, the less the premium will have to be paid, the higher the age, the premium will increase and the funny thing is, as long as you have this policy, the premium will remain the same, it will not increase. Once it is fixed, it is done, no matter how much Pandemic aa jaaye hum aa jaaye, premium freezes, it remains the same, so I will always say young’s low term plan is a profitable deal. In this video, you will find term deposit is the cheapest insurance, in which your premium is very low and olive cover can be worth lakhs of crores, if you have liabilities, you should take term insurance, definitely definitely Need or if you have a dependent, only the earners in the house

Is it the father or is it the one who earns? But the dependent is more or you are the head of the household then you must take terminus sometime or you love your family and you are afraid that what will happen to the family if something happens to you? So you should also be given this term insurance. Is this term insurance? First of all, understand that term insurance planning is a simple plan in which your life is covered, secondly, if something bad happens to you, then your family gets a fixed amount of money, thirdly, the premium for term insurance is very high. Fourth is that you can insure a very high amount with a very small premium. I had told you the fifth thing that on your death whoever you had made a nominee gets the full amount so that they have no It is not difficult, it is simple, you must have understood, let’s go ahead, now we can pan this term insurance as you want, you know that on death, if your family gets the entire money, then you will get the full money and now You

Whether you want or not, no, they don’t get lump sum money, they get money every month in my account, means you will get monthly, whether you want or not, not only my wife, but my children get nutrition by dividing So the nominee can be more than one of you, I will repeat one thing to you again and will continue to repeat further, the younger the age, the lower the premium, the higher the age, the higher the premium, so someone who is 25 years old gets you term insurance. If it is, then the monthly premium will be six hundred and ninety rupees, and if I take term insurance, I am twenty five years old, but let’s say it is a year, then I will have to pay a premium of about ten thousand rupees a month, and the most important thing was told to you that love Once it is set, it is set, it does not change the premium, just keep in mind that you should not write any wrong thing while filling up the form, if you speak, then you write, you had a checkup done, you had any disease. So write that you had got the checkup done, it was a disease.

Telling the truth may cost you dearly after you leave Then go ahead if you want to schedule your payment, you can make one time payment, you can make yearly payment, you can make half yearly payment, you can plan quarterly, monthly as you want, it is good to know this. Let’s try to understand that how much will be insured, whatever your annual income is, your insurance can be from 20 to 25 times. As an example, assume that your annual income is 10 lakh rupees, then 20 times of 10 lakh. Let’s say it becomes two crores, then your insurance can be of two crores and the same thing and your income is five lakhs, then how much has it become by twenty? Your term insurance was worth one crore, it will be worth one crore. I will reiterate here that your life insurance should not only be affordable but also claim what is needed.

It should be passed, you have spent love, but when the family wanted to get the money, it was not received, so you need both the qualities to be affordable and the claim passed. Listen carefully one by one, first of all, we come out on three steps, how much premium will we have to pay, then you will know that it is affordable, then we will know what is the claim percentage ratio. I write term plan only term plan nothing else and then go to google from mobile there is no need of computer second we take 4th from above as example this video is not sponsored by max life website beware Whoever wrote the opposite in the comment section, sponsored websites will open, let them go, we have to do organic search, not trees, it is third, now fill your details as soon as the country opens and work is over, now see how much premium will have to be paid now, isn’t it? You will get riders by filling a simple form

You have to select the riders, the premium will increase, but the benefits will also increase. Do not forget that the sooner you get term insurance, the cheaper it will be and the premium will be frozen for life. This is the best advantage, no matter how big your PM becomes, there will not be a single extra penny as long as term deposit. If you do it, that much love will increase. I told you to get it out quickly, at least you will know how much premium you will have to pay. In term insurance, you will get a cover of one crore rupees only for six nineteen rupees a month and for two crore people, it is double. Not only will it be less than fifty percent i.e. on one thousand and thirty rupees a month more than this you spend on one dinner in a hotel, you spend on Netflix every month, one, term insurance is very affordable, good if your income is ahead. If it increases, then if you want, you can also increase this insurance, second, do not look at your premium anymore, look at your claim settlement ratio, ie CSR

At this time in India, in the month of November 2022, who has the highest CSR of 1999 point 34% of Max Life, this CSR means that 1999 point 34% people claim even if they win. Claims are passed, in this company you have improved yourself a lot in claim settlement, I am saying again and again, don’t you just have to see the debit e? You also have to take care of other things like claim settlement ratio was told, you have to see the next father that how much is the amount settlement ratio, now what is this amount settlement ratio, let’s see if the claim settlement ratio of any insurance company is good ninety nine point Let’s accept only three four percent, but the claims rejected by this company have been corrected and stopped, and those who have passed ninety nine point three four percent are worth lakhs, that is, they are small, in this way the company has fooled you. given and most of the insurance company fools you have to see that the company from which you want to get term insurance

I will not tell you how much is the amount head ratio, I will leave it to you, you should know that it is your money, now it is not just about your money, more than that it is about the security of your family. After your family gets that claim, should they also get the winning amount? If you have to do a little hard work then the most important thing is that it should be affordable. Number two is the claim settlement ratio, the amount settlement ratio, the percentage of all these should be the best for that company and we will continue to move ahead. The third thing is our health. Whatever your expenses are in insurance, insurance companies give you only those expenses, but if you take critical illness rider here, then you get an amount for any of the sixty-four types of diseases, which are covered in the health insurance company. Never get it because health insurance only returns the money spent, reimburses this third born fourteen, we take one more benefit, if you take the accidental cover rider here, then if your death

Even if it happens to someone, your family will get insurance money if you take permanent disability rider, no one dies in this situation, but the person who is there becomes handicapped physically, it is mentally handicapped. You will get money even then Yes, you will get money even then The next rider is cool Return of premium rider In this rider, at the age of 60 years, when you want to get back all the premiums you have paid, yes, You will get all the love of Sara back in this means that you have not done anything and there are many reasons to choose life in this but again I will tell you that you should verify everything yourself, don’t just do what I say. Let’s have the next advantage of the woman to the wife, if you have to cover yourself with life insurance so that your children are secure, but it is difficult with most human beings that they have to give proof of their husband’s income, but many times this Woman does not know about her husband’s income or she gets divorced or husband has left her.

There is no need to give any proof of husband’s income in Max Life, it is simple and its benefits are not over yet, keep listening, I will say again and again that you should not just look at affordability, you should not look at cheapness, you have to look at many more things and Let’s go ahead, this is no less, it covers you not only for the age of sixty years, but for the age of eighty-five years, you are the same till the age of sixty years, but this company will cover your life till the age of eighty-five years. Benefit in the last and listen, you don’t have to do any physical medical while taking the policy, you can get your medical done just by sitting at home, no need to go anywhere, your time is saved, there is no intensity, just what do you think? This video is not sponsored, I am not giving you any link, nor I am giving you any discount code, I have automatically found out that Max Life Insurance from Google and if my opinion about this insurance company is correct, then today Get yourself insured never to compare all the things that have been told with the rest and also with the company that what has been told is not wrong.
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