Small Business Ideas with LOW Investment. Top 10 New Business Ideas 2023

Hello friends the business boards are here and in this post we will talk about profitable and small business ideas with low investment watch site at the end and write down which idea seems the most promising to you sweet Shawarma burrito the essence of this idea is to open a switch Shawarma Outlet it uses a pillow of cotton candy as a pizza and ice cream as a filling additionally there is a choice of different sprinkles toppings fruit marmalade Etc of the basic equipment you will need a machine for the

preparation of cotton candy and the refrigerator this idea has a drawback the product seems much sweeter than it really is although if you count the amount of sugar it becomes clear that in one such warmer it is less than 0.5 Cola nevertheless it is drunk tons wishing down chocolate bars so when opened in such a place this is something you have to work with maybe you should put more emphasis on adding fruits and in general the product is hip and bright many people will want to try it and talk about it on social networks disposable hookahs the essence of the idea is to sell disposable hookahs on the glass the flask in this water pipe replaces the glass the bottle is replaced by an orange and the shaft and the hose by cocktail pipes inside the bowl there is a hookah tobacco or stones with non-nicotine syrup so-called Vapor cocktails the result is a disposable hookah with a fruity flavor the most expensive thing about it is the glass it can be replaced by a disposable one such a hookah smoked for about 1 hour

it is possible to organize the liver of hookahs at home unlike ordinary hookahs you do not need to take a deposit for one-time hookahs and return for them search for clients through social networks plotters for cutting hydrogel films many people call hydrogel films The Killers of our usual protective glass for phone screens they are easy to adhere repair minor scratches and protect your phone from impacts in terms of business they also have a great advantage since a light protective glasses sellers do not need to keep a dead weight in the rest of the goods for thousands of phone models in the case of hydrofilms this problem is solved by the plotter with loaded templates for all phone models it is enough just to insert the blank select the desired model on the display and immediately get radio protective film on AliExpress such floaters cost from 400 film blanks in China are from 40 cents you can cut them in your own home or garage sales to order online or through mobile Accessory stores in your city many saunas

on the balconies everyone knows about the positive effects of the sauna on the human body but not everyone for various reasons make you regular visit to the sauna our task as entrepreneurs to make this procedure more accessible and this can be done by installing minisanas directly into apartments for example on balconies we receive an application from the customer go to the site take all the measurements purchase materials and in our own garage we prepare everything you need for further assembly you can either figure this out on your own or hire a person and taken the job of finding clients customers can be obtained by Best in ads with pictures on the entrances or by scattering them in mailboxes food golf this team game is golf analog but instead of clubs feet involved in full Golf and instead of small balls big soccer ones this business idea requires a relatively minimal investment for the start all necessary equipment for the game can be brought in a car and as the plane filled suits any

spacious area where you can bury the container for the wells customers in this business by individuals and legal entities as well as government agencies with food golf people can not only have fun on the weekends but also to celebrate birthdays if you add to this idea another exit cocktail bar with snacks and music a few hours of fun Pastime your clients are guaranteed to find customers it is worth developing a copyright offer and sending it to all organizations in the city you can arrange competitions between different teams it is also worth conducting an advertising campaign on social networks many smoke houses made of woods the essence of this idea is in the manufacture of wood and mini smokers for cold and hot smoking such need small houses will decorate any country yards and allow people to make fresh smoke products for themselves and for sale you can find customers online as well as by Distributing flyers and banner sets in private sectors smoke houses are equipped with electronic timers

heating elements fans and smoke generators forward chips this mini production can be set up in your own garage red bean cake this Asian snack are a delicacy which is prepared from Duff and variety of fillings not sweet they are cooked very quickly on special stovetops on AliExpress their cost starts from two hundred dollars well and Asia snakes are often made in salt right on the streets in our reality you can try to hire a chef work out with him delicious recipes think of a stylish transparent packaging and agree to sell products through numerous coffee shops of your city after all this Compact and not expensive threats is just perfect for a cup of coffee or tea all you need to do at the coffee shop is to warm up a snack in the microwave and give it to the client Urban quests the essence of the idea is to conduct themed quests on the streets of your city this can be car quests detective quests Family Sports for lovers Etc you come up with scenario yourself or you find them on the Internet and adapt them to

your city next you collect teams that will move around the plant locations and perform tasks the fastest teams get prizes participation in the game is paid which will be your profit fried ice cream yes yes you heard right the ice cream is really fried that’s just not fried on a hot hot stove but on a freezing one where did this name come from since visually it looks like frying in another way it is also called roll ice cream or thigh for many years such ice cream is in demand by tourists in Asian countries let’s look at the main advantages of such a business novelty for many cities such ice cream will be an absolute novelty which means that many people will want to try it at least once if they like it they will come to you again spectacle the name and the process of making such ice cream causes interesting passers-by and attracts attention many take photos of the process on their phones which will provide you with free advertising in social networks variety of natural flavors unlike ice cream sold in Parks from freezers

they prefer to use natural yogurt fruits and cookies for fried ice cream nut powdered mixes the customer chooses the ingredients himself and they are transformed into Natural Ice Cream in his presence the disadvantages are the preparation time one portion of ice cream cooks for about 5 minutes the cost of ice cream roll stove starts at 400 dollars foreign bar games the essence of the idea in holding intellectual games like quiz for the game people are placed in teams at tables in a cafe or restaurant the number of rounds is on average from 4 to 7. the rounds are mainly on solving pictures various kinds of puzzles music for example guests and songs or the artists and texts questions on Ingenuity and Logic the game is controlled by a leader teams write down answers on a piece of paper and at the end of each round give them to helpers in the end the winner is the team with the most points from personal experience we can say that this game really causes a lot of excitement and positive emotions so if you

once managed to attract the game a group of friends with a high probability they will return there again and again now about the implementation of this idea to begin with you should think over a game plan and collect a database of questions it is easy to do this with the help of the internet next it is necessary to find a host who will receive a percentage for contacting the game as for the venue almost all restaurants and bars are perfect for this the main thing that they should be equipped with screens that will show questions to participants negotiate the game canon should be on three terms after all the institution gets free advertising and a good lot of visitors for three hours on a weekday during the game players actively make orders in the Kitchen and Bar then it’s up to the advertising the best option it’s Word of Mouth plus social networks involve people you know work on the spots because in order to put together a whole team it is enough to interest just one person also send out copyright offers to

organizations in your city each person pays from 10 dollars for participation teams are usually 4 to 10 people at least 50 dollars per table you will have the games are held in the evenings on weekdays that is this business can be implemented as an additional income without leaving the main job and if your main business is a restaurant or a karaoke bar then holding quizzes in your institution will significantly increase your popularity and recognition enhanced income handmade Lego houses Pizzeria with a hologram moonwalkers selling board games of your city hives in the house selling craft candy soundproof boards icing glasses gaming and smart bats floor printers

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